be one

美 [bi wʌn]英 [bi wʌn]
  • 网络成为一体;英国比韵
be onebe one
  1. The decision could be one he lives to regret .


  2. The future is going to be one that presents many challenges


  3. There must be one set of laws for the whole of the country


  4. He used to be one of the professors at the School of Education


  5. Whatever the outcome , it 's going to be one hell of a fight .


  6. I judged it to be one of the worst programmes ever screened


  7. I 've never done any sustained writing , but that might be one of my next directions .


  8. At 29 Russell must be one of the youngest ever Wembley referees


  9. For many of us , the festive season can be one of the most stressful times of the year .


  10. The predominant opinion voiced by Detroit 's Arab population seems to be one of frustration .


  11. The worst-ever defeat of this team proved once again that Stanford can be one of the most explosive offensive teams in the country .


  12. He used to be one of the famous actors .


  13. The baby will be one month old tomorrow .


  14. It may be one of the secretary 's duties to order office supplies .


  15. Our attitude towards any person who has made mistakes should be one of persuasion in order to help him change and start afresh .


  16. This type of robot will likely be one of the first to be implemented in hospitals because it has fairly minimal patient contact .


  17. There is not any one-hit wonder , and there will not be one for years to come , said Gary Shapiro , president and chief executive of the Consumer Technology Association ( CTA ) .


  18. That tends to be one form of project-based learning .


  19. The book turns out to be one that has appealed to the world for more than 350 years .


  20. " Where did she come from ? " asked an astonished sprinting world , before concluding that she must be one of those one-hit wonders that spring up from time to time , only to disappear again without signs .


  21. Rich expressions on your face can be one of them .


  22. And different dress could be one way of showing their understanding of beauty .


  23. Many factors make us who we are , but if the research is correct , birth order may be one of the most important factors .


  24. However , I knew that as soon as I got my smart phone back I would be one of those people once again .


  25. Say you 're sitting around with some friends playing video games and someone mentions a game that happens to be one of your favorites .


  26. B : You do ? A : Yes . And tomorrow we are going to visit Huanglongdong . It is said to be one of the most beautiful karst caves in the world and it has interested so many travellers .


  27. The fact that something is difficult must be one more reason to do it . -


  28. She must be one of the girls of prey .


  29. Article 136 The limitation of action shall be one year in cases concerning the following :


  30. My aim is to be one of the best janitors in the world .
